Baseball, Softball and T-Ball Information
Please use the following guidelines to determine the appropriate division for your child to play in:
8u - 8 years old or younger on May 1st of this year. (7 and 8 year olds)
10u - 10 years old or younger on May 1st of this year. (9 and 10 year olds)
12u - 12 years old or younger on May 1st of this year. (11 and 12 year olds)
14u - 14 years old or younger on May 1st of this year. (13 and 14 year olds)
16u - 16 years old or younger on May 1st of this year. (15 and 16 year olds)
8u - 8 years old or younger on August 31st of the previous year. (7 and 8 year olds)
10u - 10 years old or younger on August 31st of the previous year. (9 and 10 year olds)
13u - 13 years old or younger on August 31st of the previous year. (11, 12 and 13 year olds)
My child is younger than 7 years of age and T-Ball is the most appropriate level for my child to play in. (5 and 6 year olds - 4 and half year olds may be considered with parent participation)
March: Evaluations will be held during the month of March at a time and location to be determined. Drafts will be conducted immediately following the evaluations.
April: Practices begin during the 1st week of April. Teams will have one practice per week at a field location. However, coaches could elect to schedule additional practices throughout the week.
May: Opening Day is on the 1st Saturday in May. This day begins with a parade throughout the town with pictures following the parade. The season will usually consist of 10-12 games and will conclude by the last week in June.
***Note: In very limited situations and depending upon a variety of factors, a child may be permitted to "play up" into the next age division. Regardless of this possibility, please select the appropriate division based solely on the age of the child. If you want your child to be considered to "play up" please make a notation in the "Notes" field during registration. Additionally, be prepared to attend the evaluations for the age appropriate division and the "play up" division. You must also e-mail president@pcaba.com for additional details.