T-Ball Information
All of the T-Ball games and practices are normally held at the ball field behind the old Plain City Elementary School (currently the DNA; 340 W. Main Street Plain City, OH) until directed otherwise. Exceptions to this are rare, but if needed they will be communicated.
No score is kept (typically 2 innings but have played 3 if time allows).
The entire line up bats every inning. Typically, the final batter will run all the way around the bases.
Players will receive up to five pitches from the coach, then the tee will be used. If a player fouls off their third “strike” they can receive another pitch.
The entire team fields every inning.
Pitcher must wear a helmet with a face mask.
No catcher will be used.
Players shall play correct infield positions. 5 for the infield, rest in the outfield. Outfield is on the grass or beyond the chalk line if playing on a bigger PCABA field.
If an out is made (force out, tag, fly ball) the player will return to the dugout.
For further information, please reach out to Tim Firlik at 614-327-2708 or tball@pcaba.com.